
"We had to center ourselves, stand our ground, and give it everything we had despite criticism... I felt that I was not only an actress, but also a messenger." 

"Not Only an Actress, but Also a Messenger: Reflections on En las Manos de la Muerte" by Ana Rodríguez

The Brown Daily Herald: Vol. CXLV, No. 115 (November 18, 2010)

For En las Manos de la Muerte

"When you can put all of this into one story, and the audience knows the name of those two people, and they become one person, there's that lean in, that Oh, this matters."

"Yermedea Raw: A Conversation with the Cast" by Ana Cecilia Alvarez

Bluestockings Magazine: Issue 1 (Fall 2012)

For Yermedea Raw