Acting Reviews
"Flaviá is an enchantress, immersing herself in the enigmatic and irreducible tensions of her character. Her large, expressive eyes convey a volatile mental state, quivering like a cornered animal for a moment before resuming a dark glitter of malice and contempt."
"Medea Brings Ancient Feud to Brown" by Emmajean Holley
The Brown Daily Herald (March 7, 2014)
For Medea
"Flaviá is particularly vocally expressive. At one moment destitute and weeping and at another plotting revenge, she possesses unknowable depths of anger and despair. As the title role, it is Flaviá's show."
"PW Presents Medea" by Jacob Koffler
Production Workshop (March 9, 2014)
For Medea
"...a childless woman longing to be a mother."
The New York Times (November 14, 2012)
For Yermedea Raw
"The ensemble cast is incredibly engaging on a personal level, as audience members find out through direct interactions with the actors."
"Zany Wedding Probes 21st Century Love" by Tonya Riley
The Brown Daily Herald (April 13, 2012)
"Rivera Flaviá kills her role as Nora."
"Joyce Adaptation Explores Emotion, Loss" by Kristina Fazzalaro
The Brown Daily Herald (December 1, 2011)
For Dead City
"...a former lover of Aymes, an actress."
"Review: Brown's Talk True to its Name" by Bill Rodríguez
The Providence Phoenix (April 13, 2011)
For Talk